Physical TheraPT

Lumbo-Pelvic Pain: Part II

While lumbo-pelvic pain during pregnancy is common, it should not be normalized or ignored. Working with a clinician can help you identify what may be causing your pain, and develop a plan to help you feel better. Dr. Kathleen Melia shares suggestions on what you can start doing today, and how to plan for your recovery.

Lumbo-Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy

Whether you’d consider yourself an athlete or not, pregnancy is physically demanding! From start to finish, rapid changes to the female body can greatly impact biomechanics. Rehabilitative medicine and functional conditioning can have a positive impact on the journey.

Follow The Clues

Radial nerve entrapment can be misdiagnosed, commonly mistaken for lateral epicondylosis (aka “tennis elbow”) or nerve impingement in the neck. Each of these three diagnoses require contracting treatment, meaning what works for one could make another worse. Don’t guess when it comes to your athletic health!